Schools for the World Congress 2023
Recently, the Edmund Rice Education Beyond Borders,( EREBB) Congress took place at Dublin City University. A total of around 250 delegates had the opportunity to establish extensive relations with members from all the countries where the EREBB educational network is present. Congregation Leader, Peter Clinch prayed a blessing over the members of Congress in the chapel of the Marino Institute, and CLT member Hugo Cáceres delivered a keynote address on behalf of the CLT. The invited members were more than our lay colleagues and Brothers who minister in the school world. This time, the Congress also included other organisations from the ER, advocacy, and development networks. This Congress was a microcosm of the organisations inspired by the ER's charism. As Pope Francis says, "Enlarge the space of your tent…”(Isaiah 54:2), referring to the Church, EREBB also invited and challenged those present to enlarge the space of their tents, to make the educational movement a more inclusive space and to continue to reflect and dream about the mission of the ER tradition.
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