Twelve Apostles, Australia
Who was Edmund Rice?
Blessed Edmund Ignatius Rice, was a Roman Catholic missionary and educationalist. Edmund was the founder of two religious institutes of religious brothers: the Congregation of Christian Brothers and the Presentation Brothers.
Edmund was a successful business person who lived in the southeast of Ireland. Having seen the poverty which existed around him, he wanted to provide an education to young children who didn’t have schooling available for them.
Edmund opened his first school in Waterford, Ireland, in 1802, followed by others in Cork, Dublin, and Limerick. Then, in 1808, he and seven companions took vows. His institute received papal approval in 1820, and in the following year Rice became Brother Ignatius as the institute's first superior general.
His desire was that all children have the best quality of life available to them. This continues to be the basis for Christian Brothers, devoted to the Edmund Rice charism, who work in ministries today. Read more here.
What miracle did Blessed Edmund Rice perform?
In 1993 Pope John Paul II declared Edmund Rice "venerable" and two years later approved the miracle, the curing of a young Newry man, Kevin Ellison, who was thought to have had only 48 hours to live, which was attributed to Edmund Rice.
Edmund Rice is now called "Blessed" having been attributed with performing one miracle. We celebrate the feast day of Edmund Rice on 5th May.
Did Edmund Rice come to Australia?
Edmund Rice did not come to Australia in person. Having been ill for two years, Rice died in 1844, at the age of 82, in his hometown of Waterford, Ireland. The first foray by Christian Brothers into Australia took place when three brothers arrived in Sydney in 1843 and stayed until 1847 before returning to Ireland.
Who are the Christian Brothers Australia?
The pivotal story in the history of the Christian Brothers began with its founder, Blessed Edmund Rice. The Charism of the founder still informs and inspires the Mission of the Congregation worldwide.
How many Christian Brothers are there?
It is estimated that there are around 900 Christian Brothers worldwide.
How many Christian Brothers are in Australia?
There are around 230 Christian Brothers in Australia.
What is the Oceania Province of the Christian Brothers?
The Oceania Province comprises communities of Christian Brothers and Ministries inspired by the Edmund Rice charism in Australia, Timor Leste, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and The Philippines.
How can I get in touch with the Edmund Rice Christian Brothers?
The Oceania Province of the Christian Brothers, which includes Australia, New Zealand, The Philippines and Papua New Guinea, can be contacted at the Oceania Province Centre on admin@edmundrice.org or on +61 3 8359 0100
Who was Br Ambrose Treacy?
Patrick Ambrose Treacy was born 31 August 1834 in Thurles, Tipperary, Ireland. On Friday 13 February 1852 he left home for the Novitiate in Waterford. He taught in Waterford for three years before going to Wexford where he spent eight years, becoming an accomplished teacher. He took charge of the Brothers’ school in Carlow in 1863, showing good leadership qualities. In July 1868 the Superior General appointed him as leader of the Australian mission to Melbourne. He and three other Brothers left Ireland on 15 August 1868 and arrived in Melbourne on 18 November 1868.
How can I find out more about the Christian Brothers?
Please contact us if you wish to know more about the Christian Brothers Oceania Province and see our Resources page. You can also keep updated by reading our blog which can be found here.
What important dates do the Christian Brothers commemorate?
Important dates celebrated by the Christian Brothers include Edmund Rice's birthday of June 1. Edmund Ignatius Rice (1 June 1762 – 29 August 1844), was an Irish born Roman Catholic missionary and educationalist. Edmund was the founder of two orders of religious brothers: the Congregation of Christian Brothers and the Presentation Brothers.
He was declared Venerable in 1993 by His Holiness Pope John Paul II.
What is Laudato Si?
Laudato Si' refers to the encyclical written by Pope Francis in 2015 and the words “Laudato Si’” are Italian for “praise be to you.” These words are part of a quotation from St. Francis of Assisi's “Canticle of the Creatures” in which he praises God by rejoicing in the goodness of sun, wind, Earth and water, and other natural forces
Laudato si' is the second encyclical of Pope Francis. It has the subtitle "on care for our common home". In it, Pope Francis critiques consumerism and irresponsible development, deplores environmental degradation and global warming, and calls all people of the world to take "swift and unified global action."