News Archive

Province Chris Mirabella Province Chris Mirabella

In Loving Memory of Brother Peter Clinch

With profound sorrow, we announce the passing of Brother Peter Clinch, the esteemed Congregation Leader of the Christian Brothers. Brother Peter left this world on Sunday, 28th January 2024, at Tor Vergata Hospital in Rome, Italy, at the age of 70.

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Province, International Richard Owens Province, International Richard Owens

Statement of Support for the Voice to Parliament

The Christian Brothers acknowledge the history of First Nations people who have spoken out to have their Voices heard and to be recognised as the traditional owners of the land we call Australia.

‘The Voice’ is a simple request to give First Nations’ people a constitutional Voice and the ability to respond to parliamentary debates on First Nations' issues. Acknowledging their existence and hearing their voices should come before any legislative action.

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Province Maureen Hegarty Province Maureen Hegarty

Appointment of Oceania Province Chief Executive Officer

The Oceania Province Leadership Team (OLT) is pleased to announce that Mr Anthony Banks has been appointed to the new position of Province Chief Executive Officer (CEO). This is the most senior lay leadership role in the Province, providing leadership and management to all aspects of province life in relation to our civil responsibilities. Anthony will report directly to the OLT and will commence on Monday, 23 January 2023.

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Province, International Maureen Hegarty Province, International Maureen Hegarty

40 Years of Edmund Rice Camps Celebration

40 Years of ERC Celebration ~ Hosted by Edmund Rice Camps Victoria in Melbourne, Victoria

Friday Nov 4, 6:00PM - 11:00PM

Join us to celebrate 40 years of Edmund Rice Camps Victoria! Volunteers, supporters, family and friends are invited to join us to reminisce, share, celebrate and dream together!

Tickets ($65) include all food and drinks.

Dress code: Cocktail

Spread the word and invite all your Eddie Rice friends, colleagues, family and networks from across the past 40 years!

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Province, Anniversary Maureen Hegarty Province, Anniversary Maureen Hegarty

Edmund Rice Birthday Anniversay

Edmund Rice Birthday Anniversary Celebrations were held in June at the Oceania Province’s Treacy Centre in Melbourne . Christian Brothers, Oceania Province staff and Edmund Rice supporters gathered to celebrate the life of our founder, Edmund Rice, who became recognised as Holy through his passion for, and belief in, providing schooling for all, especially uneducated boys and young men from poor and disadvantaged backgrounds.

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Province, International Maureen Hegarty Province, International Maureen Hegarty

Hope for the Pacific - Edmund Rice Centre for Justice & Community Education

The Edmund Rice Centre for Justice is hopeful the election of Anthony Albanese heralds a new era for Australia-Pacific relations. The Australian Labor Party has committed to policies that will be significant for Pacific Island nations including ramped-up climate action, boosting Pacific migration to Australia, expanding the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility Scheme and increasing foreign aid to the region.

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Province, NSW Maureen Hegarty Province, NSW Maureen Hegarty

Laudato Si ~ Praise Be To You

In the Encyclical Laudato Si, Pope Francis correlates the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor. Laudato Si' inspires our mission as followers of Jesus. We recognise the value of caring for God's creation in our faith tradition and our Christian lives.

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Province, International, Video Maureen Hegarty Province, International, Video Maureen Hegarty

Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH) - raising awareness.

Christian Brothers Oceania Province has been supporting the local anti human trafficking organisation, ACRATH, for many years.  ACRATH’s campaigns to eliminate human trafficking in all its forms, whether it be slavery-like practices in agricultural employment in Australia or in the supply chains that bring us our coffee, cotton, and chocolate, are worthy of our support.

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