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Province, Anniversary Maureen Hegarty Province, Anniversary Maureen Hegarty

Edmund Rice Birthday Anniversay

Edmund Rice Birthday Anniversary Celebrations were held in June at the Oceania Province’s Treacy Centre in Melbourne . Christian Brothers, Oceania Province staff and Edmund Rice supporters gathered to celebrate the life of our founder, Edmund Rice, who became recognised as Holy through his passion for, and belief in, providing schooling for all, especially uneducated boys and young men from poor and disadvantaged backgrounds.

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Province, NSW Maureen Hegarty Province, NSW Maureen Hegarty

Laudato Si ~ Praise Be To You

In the Encyclical Laudato Si, Pope Francis correlates the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor. Laudato Si' inspires our mission as followers of Jesus. We recognise the value of caring for God's creation in our faith tradition and our Christian lives.

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