Edmund Rice Community Services
Edmund Rice Community Services was established by the Christian Brothers Oceania Province to manage the work of 14 successful Edmund Rice community service entities across Australia, New Zealand, and Papua New Guinea.
The ministries associated with Edmund Rice Community Services work to address a broad range of needs in the community in the areas of socio-economic disadvantage, education support, social isolation, health and wellbeing, disability, social justice and reconciliation.
Edmund Rice Community Services is developing its identity as an organisation, positioning itself as a significant contributor to the community services sector in Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea. ERMO recognizes that the capacity of the people and resources within the organisation and that of its entities is a significant priority and contributor to success and sustainability
Edmund Rice Education Australia
Since 1872, Catholic Schools in the Edmund Rice Tradition have been educating young Australians in every state and territory. Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA) aims to offer a Liberating Education, based on a Gospel Spirituality, within an Inclusive Community committed to Justice and Solidarity. We acknowledge and respect the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples of Australia as the Traditional Owners of the Country/ies of our schools and are inspired and nurtured by their wisdom and spirituality.
Edmund Rice Centre for Justice and Community Education
The Edmund Rice Centre promotes human rights. Our priority areas are Indigenous People and Reconciliation, Refugees and People Seeking Asylum and Pacific Island people affected by climate change.
The Edmund Rice Centre for Justice and Community Education exists to challenge popular beliefs and dominant cultural values, to ask the difficult questions, to look at life from the standpoint of the minority, the victim, the outcast and the stranger.
We want to help enable people to change the world through education that begins with awareness raising and ultimately inspires advocacy and social action.
For the Edmund Rice Centre, community education is fundamental to:
Understanding the shape and nature of our unequal world
Interacting with that world; and
Imagining and shaping a different world.
We believe that when people are inspired by choice, capacity and motivation, they are in a position to act for change in their world:
Edmund Rice Foundation Australia
Edmund Rice Foundation is the successor of the Christian Brothers’ Foundation for Charitable Works which was established to support communities in Australia and overseas to rise above adversity.
ERFA’s vision is for access to quality education and life-long learning opportunities for all, supporting empowered communities who determine their own futures.
We believe in the power of education to change lives. We know that the best education represents lifelong learning where skills are applied, lessons learned and life skills mastered.
Our focus on education is not only in life changing education for children, but in skills such as financial literacy, farming, trades, health and human rights for adults and children.