Cradle Mountain, Australia
Guiding Principles for responding to civil claims of child sexual abuse - 2015
The Christian Brothers Oceania today formally released a set of 'Guiding Principles' aimed at minimising the potential further trauma of complainants during resolution of civil claims arising from allegations of child sexual abuse.
The 'Guiding Principles' draw on the clear commitment of the Christian Brothers to work with those who have suffered abuse with both care and compassion in an environment of dignity.
"The formalisation of this approach into a universal set of principles that will be applied in all civil claims is another step in our delivery on commitments made publicly by the Brothers in 2013 and repeated before the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse", said Brother Peter Clinch, Province Leader of the Christian Brothers Oceania Province.
The re-traumatisation of those who have suffered abuse as children is a real threat when years later they are seeking redress through the civil legal system.
"The key aim of our 'Guiding Principles' is to minimise that potential for further trauma by underpinning our response with a 'complainant orientated' approach.
That means a recognition that the process of a civil claim in relation to alleged sexual abuse is a difficult experience for anyone.
Our 'Guiding Principles' will apply to litigation including before the courts, tribunals, inquiries and the like, as well as applying to non-litigated claims for compensation, such as through Towards Healing.
Lawyers instructed by the Christian Brothers will be expected to observe and act in accordance with the 'Guiding Principles', in relation to civil claims in which they are representing the Order.”
Christian Brothers Oceania Province Centre
PO Box 596
Virginia BC QLD 4014
131 Queens Road Nudgee QLD 4014 Australia
Ph: +61 (0)7 3621 9600 Fax: +61 (0)7 3621 9688 admin@edmundrice.org www.edmundrice.org
Trustees of the Christian Brothers ABN 64 066 939 786 •Incorporated in New South Wales • The liability of the members is limited
In addition, an independent Monitor has been appointed to ensure that the 'Guiding Principles' are properly observed. The Monitor, Mr Brian Collis QC, is empowered to review and investigate any complaint that the 'Guiding Principles' have not been adhered to during response to a civil claim and is able to direct corrective measures to address any failure of implementation. The Christian Brothers are committed to continuing to deliver on our undertakings to both the Royal Commission and the community at large.
Media contact: Julian Brophy